He had scarcely been a week at Leghorn before the hold of his vessel was filled with printed muslins, contraband cottons, English powder, and tobacco on which the excise had forgotten to put its mark. 船长一向总是惜时如金,他在里窝那停靠了不到一星期,他的船上已装满了印花纱布,禁止出口的棉花,英国火药和专卖局忘记盖上印的烟草。
This is most useful when the intent is to use the stereotypes programmatically, to hold information or mark up elements but not to change the element â™ s presentation. 这对于灵活使用原型非常有用,这样即可以标记元素并维持原有信息,又可以不改变元素的表示。
Korea's longest running idol group Shinhwa will hold a concert to mark the10th anniversary of its debut. 韩国最长寿的偶像团体神话将举办出道10周年演唱会。
Do you hold any celebrations to mark the holiday? 你们纪念这个节日是否要举行庆祝活动?
While it is unusual for people of that age to hold down a job, it is becoming more and more common to reach the100-year mark. 活到100岁的人越来越多,可是活到那个年纪还可以继续工作,就非同寻常了。
Buddha's mean is that we don't hold mark of everything and everyone, and don't have mark of self, mark of himself, mark of themselves and mark of life. 世尊的意思是要我们对任何人、事、物都不要着相,不要有我、人、众生、寿者之相。
Now weightlifting meets include two events, the snatch and the clean and jerk. Do you folks hold any celeBrations to mark the holiday? 现在举重运动会包括两个单项:抓举和挺举。你们纪念这个节日举不举行庆祝活动?
Either sue paper weights or map pins to firmly hold the specific pattern part in place and carefully mark around the outline with either pencil, ball point pen or compass point. 用镇纸或用图钉把具体的衣片纸样定位并仔细地用铅笔、圆珠笔或圆规标出轮廓线。
The par bond would suit banks that hold bonds to maturity and do not mark to market. 平价债券将适合持有债券到期、未按市价调整估值的银行。
Also today the boulder district attorney will hold a news conference where she could explain why John Mark Karr was brought to boulder in the first place. 博得尔区检察官也将于今日召开记者招待会,届时她将解释为何最初将约翰。马克。卡尔引渡到博得尔来。
This paper tries to hold the intension and extension of objectification as an aesthetic category by analyzing Marxian theory on objectification, and to find the mark by which objection as a aesthetic category is distinguished from the one as a non-aesthetic category. 本文通过对马克思对象化理论的分析,试图把握作为审美范畴的对象化的内涵与外延,并找出作为审美范畴的对象化与非审美范畴的对象化之间的差异的标志。